The CIA’s National Resources division is operating a targeting program that has taken root in Scranton, PA—the epicenter of their domestic activities against me. This program is so deeply embedded into the local criminal justice system that every single police department in Lackawanna County—and likely the surrounding tri-state area—is either directly involved or has full knowledge and is complicit of its existence and it’s overt goals of psychologically driving me to commit suicide. If this level of corruption and collusion is flourishing here, there is no doubt it is happening in the same way for countless other victims across the nation who are trapped in this dark, meticulously crafted conspiracy that is corrupting the absolute fabric of the law enforcement apparatus of this country.
Over two years of targeting have shown me how deeply entrenched this program is in my local institutions. I’ve experienced firsthand the total collapse of oversight and accountability, with local, state, and federal agencies refusing to act with standard responses of attempts to report this operational targeting program being of “no jurisdiction.” In the real world any authority can stop evil, anyone can use their ability to inform congress if they couldn’t do anything themselves. There is just complete systemic corruption of the entire criminal justice system, law enforcement, and intelligence communities of the nation that is keeping this program complete, intact, and functional. This is something they enjoy in it’s entirety and they don’t even care that I know the truth and am telling the world about it. This is your government. This is not just my fight—this is a systemic issue affecting all victims and all Americans. If the CIA refuses to stop, then Congressional Action is the recourse.
We need a new Church Committee—a modern investigative body dedicated to exposing the domestic activities of the CIA, beginning where it’s a known fact of current targeting operations, in Scranton and Carbondale PA. This registry exists to unite victims and ensure their voices are heard, pushing Congress to intervene and end this nightmare that is destroying innocent non-consenting citizens nationwide for PSYWAR training campaigns. Getting congressional attention while this registry is in incubation is a required step because there is no chance this site will ever be let to reach it’s intended purpose of being verifiable evidence collected for congressional action against this government sanctioned PSYWAR research program targeting dismissible innocent Americans in droves.
No one is going to actually let this site reach it’s goal of being collective evidence, if you’re reading this right now, this is a call to action to get congress to realize your claims are worthy of an investigation. This registry is a nice dream and would actually work if left to it, but you will see, there will not be a community or registry allowed to flourish for actual targeting victims. This site is bought and paid for an entire year and should be up in my absence without any involvement needed. There is no chance it will be allowed to inform victims of how to go about finding advocacy or enact change.
This is the only real chance to expose and stop this program. The intel I’ve uncovered is verifiable, actionable, and has been revealed both purposefully and accidentally by the operators running the 24/7 psychological torture operation (PSYOP) against me. Not everyone involved in this conspiracy is on board, and their leaks are the key to unraveling the truth.
The technology being used is advanced and hard for a rational mind to accept as real or even a possibility of it being real. This has been designed deliberately to create disbelief—making victims’ claims easily dismissible and fostering wild, ungrounded accusations that hurt the cause. This is how the program protects itself. To be taken seriously, you must present the facts calmly, rationally, and with focus. November 14th’s Congressional Hearing on Exposing the Truth should help suppress the immutable skepticism that makes rational people complicit to this conspiracy by nature. Credible sources leaving congressional testimony of NHI technology needs to repeated to get the point across, that the impossible is being done by the only people who have decades of experience in mind control and behavior modification. That it is a drug-free continuation of things they have corrupted, on record over 80 institutions, to be involved in. Truth is the CIA is the scapegoat to the actual governments ideas of population control, but you need to stick to the CIA as well because no one will let you do anything else.
This is not just about one person—it’s about exposing the entire illegal targeting program and protecting all victims and American citizens from covert mind invasion, observation, and manipulation. By using this information to support your own experiences, you can show Congress the full scope of this program and demand immediate action.
While this registry evolves into a robust body of credible evidence (it won’t be live next week I’m certain lol), you must take every opportunity to push for Congressional involvement now.
Point to the following key facts of my personal targeting conspiracy:
[Initial Narcotics Investigation]
May 2020 – May 2022
[Targeting Operations]
May 2022 – Ongoing
Carbondale PD
1 N Main St # 2
Carbondale, PA 18407
Lackawanna County DA
135 Jefferson Ave
Scranton, PA 18503
Mark Powell
[District Attorney]
Chris Kolcharno
[Lead Detective]
Jason, Brian, etc
[Drug Task Force]
Jeff Arthur, Joseph Jordan
Explain that these facts are verifiable, and an investigation into Scranton will undoubtedly expose the broader program operating across the country covering your own personal targeting.
Make it clear that Scranton is just the starting point. The same corruption seen in Scranton—where local law enforcement works at the behest of the CIA—is happening nationwide. Investigating these operations will reveal how law enforcement across the country is operating this illegal program that no authority, federal or otherwise, is willing to stop. No one will act against the CIA.
This is the only verifiable intel available to expose this program. By uniting behind it and making Congress listen, you can turn these claims into a full investigation that reveals the truth, brings accountability, and protects future victims.
Your voice matters. No one is going to do this for you. Here is how I’ve been trying to get my point across since no authority is willing to do anything but hurt me about this cause:
Faxing provides a direct, often overlooked channel for contacting legislators, ensuring your message is delivered quickly and tangibly. Unlike emails, which can get lost in crowded inboxes, faxes are harder to ignore and create a physical document that staffers are more likely to review. It’s also cost-effective, as many free online fax services allow you to send faxes without requiring a fax machine. The lists I’ve compiled of fax numbers totals over 3,000 numbers and after wasting money with other services I finally found HUMBLEFAX which gets your faxes down to under 2¢ a page.
To create real momentum, it’s crucial to inform as many people and institutions as possible about this program. This is how you can make an impact:
Find every fax number you can for your county and beyond, including:
Even if your list includes some people who aren’t directly involved, this is still a real issue that demands awareness. Let them know what’s happening and how they can help expose it. You have no clue who is going to help so be indiscriminate in your actions to inform the world. You already look crazy, you are not going to injure yourself further with greater reach.
My efforts to try and get my home state involved in helping me instead of their complicity has extended to involve other parts of the government to push anyone to do something about this problem, leading me to request the help of the Social Security Administration (SSA). On my disability claim, I specifically wrote that my so-called “mental illness” is actually synthesized psychosis inflicted on me by the CIA and that I’m not alone—this technology is affecting thousands of others. I urged them to investigate, emphasizing that all other authorities are complicit and will not act against the CIA.
Taking this further, I compiled a list of all 1,200 SSA field office fax numbers and have been sending faxes to inform them of the situation. I explained that this is not a mental illness but a real issue caused by NHI (non-human intelligence) technology. My goal is to push this issue into the public arena because that’s the only way to get action against it.
I believe you should do the same. Contact anyone and everyone who might listen. Don’t let the fear of appearing insane stop you from exposing the truth. This issue needs to be public if there’s ever going to be accountability or any kind of action against it. It is not going to happen on it’s own. You are literally going to have to do it yourself. It is not that hard or scary and I am doing it alone. They won’t stop telling me “You’re Killing Yourself.” but they have literally been telling me that on repeat for 32 months, I don’t not believe them, I just cannot live this way anymore and will see this finally be stopped from happening to me, and I am going to try to have it stopped for you aswell.
Send Me Your Fax List
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Check out my [collection of evidence], and below is all of Congress', their district offices, every Social Security Admin's Field Office, old FBI, and the entire state of Pennsylvania's fax numbers. PA AG, PA State Police, and PA Judicial system included. 2500+ fax numbers.
Send me your compiled lists if the form just above isn't working to add to the collection and we can get some people to notice this is a problem worthy of investigation.