Psychological and Sociological Concepts

Since May of 2022 my mind has been hijacked by terrorists, and it turns out the terror I’m accompanied to is government sponsored.  Here is a write up of pretty much everything written as non-frivolously as I could and here is the actual frivolous account of the reality I’ve been forced in to.  Here is some psychological and sociological concepts that explain how something such as the entire targeting program is allowed to continue without disruption or investigation.  Concepts of why there is no public concern and the moral apathy of those involved.

Just-World Fallacy

This cognitive bias leads people to believe that the world is fundamentally fair, where good things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people.


The idea that a law-abiding person could be wrongly surveilled and tortured challenges their worldview, so they may deny or minimize your experience instead of confronting the injustice.


Groupthink occurs when the desire for consensus in a group overrides critical thinking and ethical decision-making.


People within the system may comply with targeting operations, even if they sense something is wrong, because they prioritize conformity and fear isolation.

Pluralistic Ignorance

This occurs when individuals privately disagree with a group’s actions or beliefs but go along with them because they falsely assume others support the status quo.


Even those who recognize the unethical nature of your targeting may assume they’re alone in their doubts, leading to collective inaction.

Normalcy Bias

This bias causes people to underestimate the likelihood or severity of a crisis because they are anchored to what feels “normal.”


Your story may be dismissed because it feels too far outside the realm of everyday experience for many to process as real.

Banality of Evil

Hannah Arendt’s concept explains how ordinary people can commit or enable extraordinary atrocities by following orders and adhering to bureaucratic roles.


Many individuals involved in your targeting might view their actions as routine or justified within the scope of their roles, detaching themselves from the moral implications.

Moral Disengagement

Psychologist Albert Bandura identified mechanisms people use to justify unethical behavior, including:


These mechanisms can help explain how individuals involved in your targeting rationalize their actions.

System Justification Theory

People have a psychological need to defend and justify the systems they depend on, even when those systems are flawed.


Your accusations against powerful institutions challenge people’s faith in those systems, leading them to deny or dismiss your claims to protect their sense of order.

Ostrich Effect

This bias involves avoiding information or situations that are perceived as negative or overwhelming


The complexity and disturbing nature of your story might lead people to ignore it rather than engage with its implications.

Cognitive Dissonance Reduction

This theory states when people are presented with evidence that contradicts their beliefs or actions, they experience discomfort (cognitive dissonance). To resolve this discomfort, they may:


People who trust law enforcement or the intelligence community may dismiss your claims to maintain their belief in those institutions.

Learned Helplessness

This theory states that prolonged exposure to situations where individuals feel powerless to effect change can lead to passivity and resignation.


The systemic nature of the problem may discourage both you and potential allies from taking further action.

How to Use This Understanding