PA-representitives,-PA-AG,-PA-State-Police,-House-and-Senate-Intelligence-Committees,-some-lawyers,-some-news-media-FAX-numbers-for-mass-faxing 717-334-8817 412-350-5429 724-548-3310 724-728-8708 814-623-3858 610-478-6366 814-693-3289 570-265-1733 215-348-6503 724-284-5185 814-772-7780 570-325-9449 814-355-6707 814-226-1097 814-765-7649 570-389-5621 814-333-7489 717-240-6460 717-780-6473 610-566-9128 814-451-6464 724-430-1001 717-261-3854 814-643-8199 724-463-2532 814-849-1649 717-582-5144 570-963-6477 717-295-3599 724-656-2464 717-228-4457 610-871-2779 570-825-6242 570-327-2293 814-887-2712 724-662-3838 717-248-8337 570-517-3866 610-292-2027 610-559-6702 570-988-4497 215-683-7502 570-296-6054 814-274-3363 570-628-1108 570-837-4358 814-445-1455 570-836-7901 570-278-6942 570-723-1633 570-253-2919 724-830-3680 717-771-9911 717-334-1758 412-350-3028 724-548-3236 724-728-9810 610-478-6251 570-265-1721 724-284-5278 814-472-0762 814-486-0464 570-325-5098 814-355-8685 610-344-6218 814-226-1117 814-765-6089 570-893-4041 814-337-5296 717-240-7797 717-780-6474 610-891-4812 814-776-5382 814-451-7010 724-430-1275 717-485-5568 724-852-5316 814-643-6849 724-465-3863 814-849-1677 570-963-6377 717-295-5914 717-228-4467 570-970-4580 570-327-6790 814-887-2242 724-662-1604 717-248-2503 570-517-3873 610-278-3240 717-582-5149 570-296-3514 570-628-1384 570-837-4299 814-445-1563 570-946-7105 570-278-2963 570-524-0104 724-850-3976 570-996-5053 717-771-4678 724-548-3351 724-728-3360 814-317-1600 814-472-5632 610-344-5903 814-765-7659 570-893-4288 570-389-5620 814-337-5416 717-240-6573 717-780-6477 814-776-5303 724-430-4555 724-852-5353 814-643-4271 724-465-3968 814-849-1625 570-963-6387 724-656-1988 570-825-1757 570-327-2505 814-887-3219 724-662-2021 717-248-5275 570-420-3582 570-271-3089 610-559-3710 570-988-4153 717-582-5167 570-296-1931 814-274-3361 570-628-1261 570-837-4275 814-444-9270 570-278-9268 570-724-2986 570-524-8628 814-728-3459 724-830-3517 570-996-0193 717-771-4629 717-334-9333 724-728-8853 267-885-1371 724-284-5244 814-472-0761 610-344-6605 814-333-7349 717-240-6571 717-780-6472 724-438-8410 717-261-3896 610-278-5188 610-252-4391 215-567-7380 570-628-1143 814-445-1458 724-850-3979 717-771-9096 717-231-9594 215-686-9503 215-686-7487 215-686-2958 215-686-4411 215-683-7203 215-683-7228 215-686-7909 215-683-7231 215-683-7255 215-683-7222 215-683-7207 215-686-9539 215-683-7219 717-231-3381 717-783-4963 610-650-8213 215-560-4528 717-772-7463 412-565-7620 717-231-3351 717-231-9521 717-231-3327 610-478-6139 215-683-5299 570-963-6376 570-963-5693 570-348-2037 717-221-4493 570-326-7916 717-996-0974 570-829-5473 570-323-7268 570-207-5880 570-829-0276 570-323-5862 717-901-2890 570-346-7342 570-207-5769 570-821-4009 717-614-4118 570-601-1150 570-322-8669 717-221-3949 570-343-6225 570-207-5650 717-221-3996 570-207-5759 570-207-5749 570-207-5640 717-221-3968 717-221-3979 717-221-3959 570-323-0636 412-644-4549 570-282-9269 570-963-6898 570-496-7706 570-963-6831 570-963-6576 570-963-6623 570-496-7708 570-963-6301 570-963-2039 570-496-7796 570-496-7707 570-496-7709 570-963-2056 570-963-6314 570-282-6988 570-254-6730 570-945-3154 570-876-6365 570-307-1219 570-343-1458 570-562-3205 570-785-9557 570-963-6505 570-457-3830 570-963-6174 570-842-9117 570-383-6934 570-963-6175 570-876-6412 717-783-1107 717-787-8242 215-560-1031 412-565-3019 814-836-4361 717-787-7092 717-705-4444 717-705-4655 717-705-7246 717-705-0741 610-631-6230 412-880-0467 717-712-1238 570-963-3418 610-631-6594 570-826-2447 717-783-5431 717-712-1257 717-712-1249 717-787-1190 215-560-2494 717-705-7239 717-705-7244 717-772-4526 717-705-7240 215-560-2202 717-705-7241 717-783-3794 717-787-4590 570-654-6315 717-787-1788 717-772-3155 717-783-4374 717-783-5455 717-787-4523 717-705-9112 717-783-0430 717-772-3153 717-425-7190 717-783-3472 717-425-5389 717-425-7267 717-787-3376 717-783-0150 717-772-3135 610-631-5944 610-631-6215 724-861-3659 717-787-9138 717-772-0717 717-787-1734 717-772-4175 717-783-2724 717-772-1892 717-787-0251 717-705-0721 717-783-0823 717-772-2682 570-963-3417 215-560-1509 717-772-4988 717-772-0495 717-787-2948 717-214-1298 717-541-7896 717-728-0304 717-772-1435 717-346-5396 717-705-4317 717-783-5589 717-705-2306 717-346-9796 717-772-2844 717-533-1201 717-508-0040 724-284-8279 717-986-9207 717-299-7663 717-772-1605 717-231-9501 717-231-9551 717-231-9526 717-231-9536 717-231-9531 570-348-4225 570-348-4133 570-348-4207 570-348-4171 570-348-0197 570-348-4202 570-348-4148 570-348-4263 570-348-4251 570-348-4123 570-348-0270 570-348-4199 570-342-1555 570-586-6451 570-207-0415 570-963-6859 570-496-7756 570-963-6812 570-876-5518 570-383-3353 570-282-2131 570-383-7302 570-282-7013 570-876-0204 570-319-1321 570-383-7122 570-963-3070 570-562-2353 570-383-3351 570-941-6369 570-941-6568 412-565-3640 570-941-7572 570-941-6340 570-941-7903 570-941-6209 570-941-5843 570-941-4380 570-941-4148 570-941-6657 570-941-5931 570-941-4636 570-941-4825 570-941-4110 570-941-6470 570-941-5882 570-941-7495 570-941-4845 570-941-4826 570-941-7950 570-941-4223 570-941-7873 570-941-4250 570-941-4154 570-941-4256 570-941-5937 570-941-6492 570-941-7940 570-941-7595 570-941-4309 570-941-6374 570-941-7963 570-941-5928 570-941-5926 570-941-6229 570-941-6637 570-941-7420 570-941-6220 570-941-4140 570-941-6304 570-963-6304 570-941-5515 610-768-3066 570-342-0776 570-969-0968 570-941-4837 570-282-3579 570-507-8453 570-770-6129 570-770-6260 570-558-0183 570-963-7596 570-344-6839 570-278-2853 570-207-0436 570-253-2583 570-963-6665 570-342-4251 570-558-1213 570-226-0638 570-457-0762 570-504-7925 570-489-4440 570-587-3847 570-825-1849 570-504-8114 570-820-6319 570-836-5678 570-748-1642 570-488-9999 570-307-1270 570-961-7811 570-329-4774 570-278-6633 570-517-3852 570-214-4960 570-278-9675 570-465-7997 570-222-6357 570-296-2700 570-658-7318 570-750-6168 570-948-9057 570-963-6393 570-496-7714 570-496-7700 570-963-6390 570-496-1703 570-963-4843 570-587-8784 570-563-2219 570-842-0499 570-457-6456 570-876-0706 570-278-2720 570-562-1417 570-383-7303 570-278-1699 570-785-9595 570-586-3024 717-436-5402 215-861-8618 570-207-5689 570-963-6338 570-586-3489 570-226-5740 570-836-1159 717-772-1550 814-724-8647 814-217-0315 814-723-7084 814-437-1174 814-486-3119 814-355-0852 814-768-0735 814-772-0057 570-842-7680 570-586-4342 570-842-3177 570-842-3149 570-876-1169 855-750-7062 814-465-3170 570-278-9039 717-248-9456 814-274-9764 570-829-0440 570-823-4523 570-970-5652 410-568-1537 570-450-2013 570-941-4097 570-489-4995 570-825-7898 570-704-1457 570-326-3233 570-208-5432 570-356-2202 570-288-7130 570-785-9840 570-321-1209 570-616-4650 570-251-3151 570-207-4242 570-602-2288 570-759-2461 570-649-5475 570-941-6118 570-894-8413 570-368-3535 570-842-5126 866-418-0232 727-479-1052 570-785-9299 202-418-0232 701-255-8220 570-963-6364 202-418-2843 972-623-2800 570-348-9109 570-348-9135 570-341-1055 570-348-9145 717-346-7781 717-346-7782 608-767-2222 570-963-6401 570-963-6447 570-963-6385 570-963-6435 570-307-7321 570-963-6617 570-963-2005 570-963-6704 570-963-6335 570-963-6705 570-963-6758 570-941-4298 570-963-6806 570-963-6351 570-963-6681 570-963-6514 570-963-6473 570-496-1733 570-963-6418 570-963-6348 570-963-6489 717-334-4104 570-963-6425 570-963-6459 570-963-4109 724-548-3454 724-891-2865 610-478-4980 814-693-3052 724-284-5128 814-355-6985 610-344-5997 814-371-5102 814-333-2377 717-240-6415 717-780-7061 610-713-2518 814-772-8337 814-451-6868 724-430-1386 717-263-0469 724-852-5368 717-242-6471 724-856-3466 717-274-0317 610-820-3008 570-825-6820 814-887-3228 724-662-6717 570-421-8295 610-278-3683 570-275-6089 610-974-7596 570-988-4444 814-544-9062 570-621-2893 814-701-2900 570-265-8541 570-724-6757 814-723-9544 724-223-4685 570-647-0268 724-830-3571 855-831-7928 855-827-7510 855-813-2863 855-822-1790 724-837-9762 855-813-2864 717-334-6498 814-623-2060 610-478-6644 814-693-3116 570-265-1795 724-284-5155 814-472-1644 814-355-6973 814-226-8069 202-228-0284 814-333-2025 717-240-7851 717-780-6470 610-891-4883 814-772-0092 215-405-9669 570-265-9453 570-888-9036 570-253-8046 570-782-2265 717-782-2957 570-674-5037 717-772-0575 814-451-7484 717-263-4984 717-325-4580 724-465-3848 724-652-8864 717-228-4462 570-825-1893 570-329-4717 814-887-3229 724-662-0981 570-517-3859 610-292-2191 610-559-3044 570-988-4565 717-582-5162 570-296-6055 814-274-3357 570-628-1431 814-445-7991 570-946-7595 570-278-3372 570-941-6351 570-724-2843 570-524-8785 724-250-4816 724-830-6254 570-836-9982 717-771-4331 570-842-0633 570-253-4219 610-588-5765 570-969-9700 570-342-4353 717-705-1958 202-226-0996 716-845-7562 717-337-9830 570-282-2534 724-548-3714 724-728-9318 814-623-0991 610-478-6218 215-348-6387 570-689-0387 724-284-5311 570-251-6668 570-253-5697 570-785-9775 570-798-2636 814-486-3176 570-226-1861 570-282-3394 814-472-9642 814-355-6857 610-344-5682 814-337-0457 717-240-7759 717-780-6478 610-892-0641 814-776-5362 814-451-7007 717-261-3131 717-485-9411 724-852-5320 814-643-8152 724-465-2935 814-849-4084 724-656-1987 717-675-2669 570-820-6399 570-320-2117 717-242-5455 570-517-3856 610-292-4527 570-271-3088 610-559-3736 570-988-4306 717-787-4306 215-686-3398 570-837-4282 570-946-4421 570-724-9124 570-524-8627 814-432-4741 570-558-2496 570-253-5432 724-830-3152 570-836-5797 717-771-4387 717-334-2091 570-963-6440 570-963-6864 570-265-1730 570-822-7866 570-327-2287 570-271-3049 570-988-4957 570-628-1009 570-837-5481 570-946-4260 570-278-3778 570-724-2150 570-524-8745 570-251-8243 570-836-5345 570-628-1466 570-403-2372 570-970-5601 570-655-1180 570-941-4046 570-941-4085 570-941-4386 570-941-4342 570-941-4824 570-941-2463 570-941-5981 202-224-1772 202-225-1991 571-204-8088 202-616-0271 202-225-3974 312-886-7065 303-335-4002 520-620-7301 817-385-2080 404-588-3871 954-496-8436 818-863-1919 415-355-2731 202-228-2717 202-224-2573 208-343-2458 208-765-1743 208-523-9373 208-746-7275 208-734-3905 505-346-6780 575-523-6584 505-992-8435 505-325-6035 575-622-3538 202-228-2841 202-224-2693 202-224-1946 479-464-0648 202-224-1866 719-328-1129 970-224-2205 970-259-9789 202-228-5097 610-782-9474 814-874-5084 717-231-7542 570-941-0937 202-228-0604 202-228-6998 785-628-3791 620-232-2284 202-228-6472 913-768-1366 202-228-4977 202-224-0038 202-224-0039 202-224-0044 202-224-0052 202-224-0055 866-824-6340 202-224-0063 202-224-0064 202-228-1015 202-224-2575 202-228-2346 202-228-6565 605-343-5348 605-336-6624 202-224-7482 202-225-6754 937-225-2752 203-333-6655 203-323-1793 202-225-9629 202-225-1992 937-798-4024 513-605-1377 202-225-5633 317-283-6567 202-225-5602 210-979-0737 202-225-1915 518-561-2408 202-226-0621 202-225-7830 202-225-3549 202-225-9249 309-671-7309 202-226-1298 916-635-0514 215-579-8109 202-225-9511 202-225-5517 340-774-8033 202-225-3013 229-396-5179 478-971-1778 202-225-9048 202-225-5903 501-324-6029 202-225-2202 202-225-5547 202-225-0011 202-226-1000 771-200-5802 202-225-3486 410-277-6677 205-279-1590 716-843-5288 973-792-3035 203-503-5098 504-816-3306 412-432-4188 314-589-2636 813-253-1456 517-336-8343 216-622-6717 513-979-8450 907-265-8400 312-829-5732 312-829-5738 763-569-8567 502-263-6245 317-845-7105 217-757-3558 865-602-7212 704-672-6595 251-415-3235 601-713-7550 501-228-8509 405-290-3885 713-936-8999 210-650-6153 915-832-5259 505-889-1770 520-594-2502 702-584-5460 310-996-3359 801-579-6000 415-553-7674 503-460-8088 507-642-3431 202-225-3547 202-225-0375 202-226-0577 419-999-4238 419-668-3015 202-226-9739 202-225-2995 336-778-2290 920-907-0763 202-225-2356 202-226-1134 202-225-2082 205-968-1294 202-225-5724 254-300-5736 202-225-0350 202-225-3407 202-225-7986 202-225-3332 202-225-6440 202-225-1776 202-225-8272 202-226-1169 202-226-9669 202-226-6599 771-200-5750 386-283-5164 202-225-3002 202-408-9048 202-225-3984 617-428-2011 703-261-6088 408-436-2721 202-225-2699 202-225-3178 202-226-3717 202-225-1339 202-225-0999 771-200-5826 202-225-3073 202-226-1477 202-226-2052 202-225-9322 202-225-4784 202-606-4264 202-606-2548 703-613-3007 202-514-0536 202-307-3372 202-514-8862 202-514-7308 202-307-5802 202-514-4508 202-514-5847 202-616-8544 312-886-0513 303-864-2004 215-717-2981 202-254-0162 410-597-0118 202–272–2022 202-816-3086 202-307-0693 202-512-2841 202-512-3086 765-494-9911 202-245-8392 202-727-9589 502-564-3129 202-366-5575 202-663-7022 202-616-5509 410-786-9549 844-530-3676 717-705-7006 717-705-1862 717-556-0034 724-387-9114 717-782-2910 717-787-8112 724-423-2812 717-782-2913 717-783-6839 267-580-2665 610-791-6274 610-746-3803 717-772-2298 215-849-5476 215-330-3709 717-787-9754 717-782-2906 610-222-3494 215-364-8626 717-787-9874 724-284-8253 570-966-0520 724-773-7802 717-787-6655 610-861-2104 814-728-3564 717-787-8060 717-787-2005 610-746-2512 717-772-5293 717-782-2980 412-761-2303 717-428-2003 717-782-2908 717-772-9965 814-382-7203 717-783-2322 724-834-6799 717-782-2907 717-780-4789 215-752-6752 717-782-2935 717-782-2942 610-369-3011 717-630-9731 717-782-2922 717-787-2334 717-783-3805 717-783-4275 215-536-1437 215-242-7303 717-986-1677 724-929-2662 610-377-5675 717-705-2014 215-398-0002 717-782-2961 717-780-4767 570-226-5955 717-787-6126 412-384-3758 717-783-0682 717-705-1934 814-938-1950 717-782-2943 610-869-1605 412-382-2021 570-826-5436 717-782-2981 717-780-6032 814-742-7207 724-752-3784 717-772-9947 717-848-1871 717-772-9917 717-705-2065 610-821-6325 717-772-2360 814-362-4405 610-358-5933 570-648-8018 717-787-6000 717-772-9860 717-772-4040 484-200-8269 717-780-4784 717-787-7297 717-772-2384 484-200-8272 717-787-6118 717-782-2971 814-863-3898 814-949-7915 717-787-2738 724-734-5981 570-286-1296 814-274-8159 724-939-6266 717-975-2236 717-705-1889 814-226-1614 215-879-8566 484-200-8257 717-787-4990 412-664-0039 610-259-5575 215-952-1141 717-705-1860 717-783-1516 717-772-2003 717-780-4787 717-705-7021 717-787-2960 724-847-5283 484-200-8275 814-455-6593 717-705-1891 717-787-5854 717-783-2913 215-493-5424 610-768-3112 717-772-9937 412-374-9242 570-453-1343 215-246-1597 717-780-4764 717-783-2152 717-782-2962 570-387-4288 215-978-0316 717-782-2936 484-200-8274 717-832-8194 215-342-6344 717-783-7728 570-321-1271 215-952-1025 717-367-6425 717-787-2420 724-437-1101 717-782-2964 724-438-6104 215-223-1959 215-750-1295 215-330-3717 717-772-9859 717-782-2914 814-332-6929 717-787-0861 215-256-6069 724-238-2156 717-664-4982 570-342-2845 717-705-1923 215-560-4197 570-646-7029 724-763-9788 484-544-0147 724-772-2902 717-787-7388 610-266-2126 717-772-9960 717-772-9994 717-772-1233 717-705-2012 814-835-2885 570-759-4527 717-782-2890 484-200-8267 717-705-2031 717-664-4997 717-782-2883 570-952-3374 717-782-2889 717-731-7126 717-782-2880 717-787-8215 717-767-9857 717-787-7588 610-323-3289 814-886-1056 610-534-6881 717-782-2905 717-782-2965 217-517-6828 717-782-2919 610-502-2704 570-283-1008 717-772-2943 717-705-2088 717-783-1904 724-335-2649 215-879-6616 717-705-2096 412-269-2767 717-246-2387 717-787-9174 814-644-2999 717-782-2948 717-783-3899 717-534-1457 717-780-4753 717-772-4560 717-705-2034 717-705-2089 412-420-2011 717-436-5362 717-783-0448 570-902-4083 570-297-5551 717-782-2916 717-782-2998 570-724-2168 814-342-4874 610-378-4412 484-200-8263 717-783-7862 717-787-8976 610-921-9369 412-221-5113 717-705-7153 570-722-8702 215-259-5856 570-893-1152 814-398-3075 717-782-2926 724-223-4544 570-894-7906 717-334-8426 814-837-2257 717-782-2950 717-787-2513 717-705-2563 717-705-2020 717-787-9463 717-772-0404 717-432-0795 814-443-3866 724-498-4398 717-772-9958 717-705-2054 570-874-5201 717-705-2046 717-780-4775 717-782-2952 717-782-2937 610-832-1684 717-787-7172 717-787-0865 717-772-3630 484-200-8270 717-772-9853 814-676-1653 717-782-2885 215-345-1361 717-626-4234 717-755-2896 814-623-6633 814-946-7239 717-582-8906 717-780-4765 717-783-8536 717-780-4699 717-772-0625 717-264-2893 717-705-2098 724-438-6101 570-836-4772 570-546-5520 717-772-1231 717-772-2997 724-942-2046 717-780-4788 717-782-4820 717-787-9840 717-782-2884 610-775-3736 267-768-3673 717-782-2924 610-965-9174 814-472-1965 717-782-2953 717-787-9175 717-782-2925 724-934-6443 717-782-2920 717-284-1968 717-772-1234 717-782-2911 717-782-2899 610-746-5093 717-787-8957 724-465-0221 412-793-7495 717-782-2923 717-772-9884 570-398-5963 814-539-0161 717-772-2008 814-871-4854 717-762-4380 717-783-3978 717-705-1935 717-705-7000 717-782-2940 717-782-2963 717-780-4773 717-782-2897 717-782-2969 724-752-2123 610-493-2098 412-343-2050 717-705-1948 717-783-1665 717-782-2917 717-772-0094 717-783-3550 717-787-2929 215-632-3437 724-872-2400 724-459-7270 215-342-6207 717-782-2932 814-765-0592 717-295-7817 717-772-3624 717-782-2893 717-782-2896 570-620-4349 717-783-4820 717-705-1920 717-705-1936 717-532-5043 717-782-2904 717-783-7667 717-772-1424 717-782-2982 717-705-1886 717-782-2918 724-266-7634 717-780-4772 570-653-2019 814-744-3108 215-503-7850 215-695-1028 215-942-4069 814-849-6710 717-772-9888 717-772-5499 570-655-9110 717-787-6116 717-780-4762 724-656-3352 717-787-7557 412-565-3170 717-780-4774 814-247-6212 717-783-8332 717-295-7816 717-705-1946 717-772-2469 717-780-4756 717-787-6926 215-744-7906 717-772-9863 412-262-3783 570-459-3946 717-780-4780 814-375-5955 814-347-7111 724-450-4104 717-249-8775 717-652-6276 610-250-2645 717-787-1231 717-780-4785 717-783-4990 814-339-6546 717-783-1579 717-787-2882 717-787-2713 610-821-6109 717-782-2902 717-787-4771 570-383-9785 717-772-2284 717-780-4770 717-782-2944 717-772-1313 717-485-3979 717-260-6536 717-772-3354 484-200-8271 724-520-8058 484-200-8266 717-780-4761 717-667-6025 717-783-7558 724-437-1106 717-783-9755 717-782-2901 724-744-0380 412-460-3023 717-259-7802 717-244-1714 717-782-2882 215-482-8726 570-327-3719 717-780-4750 717-782-2900 717-782-2887 717-787-7517 610-378-4406 717-782-2947 717-780-4754 814-940-5111 717-772-3072 717-782-2903 717-705-2087 717-787-2176 717-787-4711 717-772-5401 215-517-6828 717-277-2102 717-772-3074 215-517-1423 215-748-1687 814-355-3523 717-782-2946 215-560-2152 724-929-2654 724-542-0341 717-782-2954 814-781-7213 610-562-6895 717-705-1947 724-773-7437 412-476-3048 570-255-0133 570-966-0053 717-783-3948 724-863-1587 215-281-3418 717-772-2414 717-782-2933 215-291-5647 717-722-3603 717-782-2967 717-787-7604 717-782-2945 724-587-3096 717-782-2921 717-772-9892 724-929-2651 717-975-2229 717-783-3556 717-782-2929 215-973-2008 717-772-9910 570-644-7845 724-929-2659 717-772-9062 724-478-9899 717-772-9949 570-368-5668 717-780-4763 717-705-1986 717-782-2894 ----senate 215-497-9498 717-772-1035 570-339-5938 570-207-2897 717-783-8291 717-783-5192 717-772-0580 215-492-2990 717-787-1174 610-544-6140 215-952-3120 215-879-7778 717-787-7439 724-588-5464 570-325-3290 717-787-0855 717-787-0331 814-646-7275 215-281-2798 717-783-3156 484-861-4965 717-783-8657 215-425-5301 717-783-4296 717-787-8083 215-457-5206 717-787-9715 610-768-4204 717-787-9242 717-772-5489 717-772-2344 814-871-4640 724-626-1665 610-948-3037 717-787-8355 610-447-3196 717-772-2108 610-510-8277 717-772-2753 724-773-7384 717-783-7131 717-783-5021 717-772-0577 215-560-2627 717-772-2991 814-734-2784 717-772-1014 717-783-1257 717-274-7702 717-787-5976 412-364-0928 717-242-4775 717-772-3588 717-787-4351 717-772-3695 810-821-6798 610-436-1721 717-772-2756 570-620-4379 717-772-5471 717-283-4200 570-743-7714 717-705-7741 412-731-2332 215-560-1316 412-578-9874 610-768-3100 215-368-2374 717-334-5911 717-783-5976 717-772-3833 717-772-3458 717-783-7328 717-772-5484 717-787-4384 215-638-1786 570-784-9379 717-772-1590 717-783-8106 724-395-7260 717-705-9905 717-787-6088 717-787-0195 724-600-7008 717-772-0573 814-677-6331 215-695-1027 717-772-0600 610-861-2184 717-783-5198 717-772-0579 610-863-1214 215-541-2387 717-783-3722 215-242-6118 724-548-4856 570-723-5119 717-772-1589 570-773-1675 717-783-4955 717-264-3652 717-772-2755 717-772-4437 717-705-6691 717-299-7798 717-787-7828 610-929-2576 814-695-8398 412-380-2249 610-768-4203 717-756-1548 717-772-8412 724-656-3182 212-242-6118 724-225-4386 717-772-2366 570-327-3703 412-664-5202 570-740-2438 717-485-4207 814-806-1707 717-772-0572 717-741-4655 570-226-5964 717-772-0578 717-772-0576 717-787-8929 215-517-1439 724-216-6076 215-879-7386 717-432-1733 717-787-0196 717-582-2487 717-705-3548 570-622-6629 570-820-4848 814-728-2102 412-886-2080 717-787-8004 814-443-2057 814-355-6046 724-357-0148 878-978-2464 267-551-3764 724-282-6852 717-844-5441 724-258-3368 412-331-2079 717-772-2310 814-266-0057 570-213-5706 412-344-3400 717-782-8106 717-783-4587 724-773-0738 717-787-4531 814-765-0558 610-352-3641 717-783-5962 717-627-1389 717-772-0581 717-772-0574 717-787-8625 ------district court admins 814-472-1466 610-344-6522 570-893-4145 814-728-3452 724-627-4716 814-432-3149 724-226-6938 ------magisterial judges 570-970-2568 570-970-2564 570-501-8981 570-602-8297 570-714-7568 570-714-7564 570-602-8296 570-970-8893 570-542-5674 570-740-2072 570-788-7213 570-501-8980 570-474-6822 570-970-2546 570-970-2545 570-696-5467 570-226-0829 570-251-3629 570-448-2057 717-231-3312 717-772-4524 717-231-9546 ------------------------------------------- These faxes did not reach their destination last run. Some are old but some are being blocked by the CIA and are worth trying everytime. 202-307-0595 - DOJ civil rights 240-453-8202 - Human research 415-503-1417 - DOJ IG 803-733-5966 - DOJ civil rights 202-305-1367 - DOJ bureau of justice 202-307-9978 - DOJ antitrust 202-514-0306 - DOJ antitrust 202-514-6381 - DOJ antitrust 202-514-6525 - DOJ antitrust 202-514-9033 - DOJ antitrust 202-514-9099 - DOJ antitrust 202-616-1450 - DOJ IG 202-616-2441 - DOJ antitrust 312-984-7299 - DOJ antitrust 404-331-5046 - DOJ IG 415-934-5399 - DOJ antitrust 917-286-0892 - DOJ antitrust 202-225-7926 - Katie Porter 386-279-0874 - intelligence committee rep Mike Waltz field office 508-580-4692 - intelligence committee rep Stephen Lynch 617-773-0995 - intelligence committee rep Stephen Lynch 202-225-6105 - intelligence committee rep Pete Sessions 202-225-9690 - intelligence committee rep Russel Fry 202-225-9764 - intelligence committee rep Anna Luna 202-226-1177 - intelligence committee rep William Timmons 202-226-3547 - intelligence committee rep Byron Donalds ----- 414-291-2400 - FBI milwaukee 478-745-1941 - FBI georgia 502-569-3869 - FBI louisville 503-552-5400 - FBI portland 513-562-5650 - FBI cincinatti 606-862-2119 - FBI kentucky 713-936-8900 - FBI houston 858-499-7991 - FBI san diego 865-544-3590 - FBI knoxville 972-559-5600 - FBI dallas 989-753-1419 - FBI saginaw 202-226-6299 - intelligence committee rep Michael Waltz 340-778-5111 - intelligence committee rep Stacey Plaskett field office 404-679-6289 - FBI atlanta 518-431-7463 - FBI albany 617-223-6327 - FBI boston 202-226-4623 - Senator Jason Crow 202-228-2862 - Senator Mark Kelly 662-841-8845 - Senator Trent Kelly field office 404-949-0912 - Senator Jon Ossoff field office 412-803-7379 - Senator Bob Casey field office 605-224-1379 - Senator Mike Rounds field office 785-587-0789 - Senator Jerry Moran field office 814-357-0318 - Senator Bob Casey 202-228-0908 - Senator Tom Cotton 202-228-2856 - Senator John Cornyn 208-236-6820 - Senator James Risch field office 501-244-9633 - Senator Tom Cotton field office 870-864-8571 - Senator Tom Cotton 870-933-6596 - Senator Tom Cotton 202-224-6295 - Senator Mark Warner 202-296-4395 - Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board PCLOB 202-593-0055 - Oversight IG 202-616-2051 - DOJ IG 212-908-9035 - DOJ IG 570-941-4002 - PA Scranton university Media Resources Collections 313-226-4006 - DOJ IG 609-989-2213 - DOJ IG 617-748-3965 - DOJ IG 703-413-1833 - DOJ IG 713-718-4706 - DOJ IG 915-577-9012 - DOJ IG 202-514-3435 - DOJ IG 202-616-1212 - DOJ IG 202-616-4532 - DOJ IG 202-616-9881 - DOJ IG 570-941-4053 - PA Scranton university Small Business Development Center 570-941-4265 - PA Scranton university Purchasing 570-941-4340 - PA Scranton university Military Science Department (ROTC) 570-941-4364 - PA Scranton university Television Production 570-941-4372 - PA Scranton university FM Radio Station WUSR 570-941-4774 - PA Scranton university World Languages and Cultures, Department of 570-941-6485 - PA Scranton university Political Science Department 570-941-6653 - PA Scranton university Institutional Effectiveness 570-941-6685 - PA Scranton university Office of Health Professions 570-941-7510 - PA Scranton university Chemistry 570-941-7938 - PA Scranton university Residence Life and Housing 703-275-1225 - ODNI - National Counterintelligence and Security Center 520-319-1118 - jewish newspaper 570-207-2493 - PA WNEP 570-254-6010 - PA scott township police 570-282-1206 - PA Carbondale chamber of commerce 570-282-9121 - PA Carbondale police 570-296-2610 - PA pike county dispatch newspaper 570-348-7696 - PA regional hospital 570-606-2404 - PA citizens voice newspaper 570-714-3353 - PA belt law firm 570-829-5537 - PA times leader newspaper 570-853-5105 - PA susquehanna police 570-941-4093 - PA Scranton university Office of Annual Giving 570-941-4370 - PA Scranton university Financial Aid Office 570-941-5909 - PA Scranton university Center for Health, Education & Wellness 570-941-6294 - PA Scranton university Career Development 570-941-6352 - PA Scranton university catering 570-941-7979 - PA Scranton university Northeast Regional Cancer Institute 866-351-3185 - PA standard-speaker times shamrock 570-254-9314 - PA scott township 814-765-2642 - PA clearfield county commissioner 570-344-0996 - PA bold gold media radio stations 570-647-0338 - PA wayne county treasurer 814-432-9522 - PA venango county treasurer 814-728-3418 - PA warren county treasurer 570-226-5964 - PA senator lisa baker hawley office 570-327-3703 - PA senator gene yaw williamsport office 570-740-2438 - PA senator lisa baker naticoke office 717-390-2319 - PA lancaster county treasurer 724-852-5226 - PA greene county treasurer 814-755-4272 - PA forest county treasurer 814-849-1608 - PA jefferson county treasurer 570-325-2696 - PA carbon county treasurer 570-723-5119 - PA senator gene yaw wellsboro office 610-344-6357 - PA chester county 717-260-6536 - PA representitive tina pickett 724-548-3305 - PA armstrong treasurer 814-432-9781 - PA venango human services 570-455-3625 - PA north penn legal services 606-528-9850 - PA Times-Tribune newsroom 570-207-1344 - PA WNEP newsroom 570-726-2266 - PA penndot 570-941-7954 - PA Scranton university cancer registry 570-325-3290 - PA senator marty flynn 570-941-4836 - PA Scranton university Aquinas 570-941-7817 - PA Scranton university archives 570-348-4228 - PA Scranton police 570-348-4333 - PA Scranton parking authority 570-383-7818 - PA Olyphant borough 570-489-6899 - PA Jessup borough 570-348-4119 - PA scranton fire department 570-821-5580 - PA state police Bureau of Training and Education northeast training center wb 570-963-3309 - PA state police area III dunmore 215-560-5559 - PA IG PROGRAM INTEGRITY AND OPERATIONS southeast 412-920-2526 - PA IG Bureau of Special Investigations western regional 412-920-2541 - PA IG PROGRAM INTEGRITY AND OPERATIONS western 570-826-2381 - PA IG PROGRAM INTEGRITY AND OPERATIONS northeast office 717-705-1750 - PA state police legistrative affairs 717-772-2225 - PA IG PROGRAM INTEGRITY central office 717-772-4986 - PA IG PROGRAM INTEGRITY AND OPERATIONS 717-772-8097 - PA state police Bureau of Communications and Information Services 717-787-7921 - PA IG complaint 717-948-6754 - pa data center 412-565-7498 - PA AG Western Regional Office 570-820-4853 - pa human services Northeast Region 717-214-9899 - pa state OFFICE OF CHIEF COUNSEL 717-346-0460 - pa state Office of Legislative Affairs 717-772-2026 - pa general services EXECUTIVE OFFICE 215-560-3458 - pa governor SOUTHEAST REGIONAL OFFICE 717-525-5877 - PA governor OFFICE FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY HR 717-772-8018 - PA governor Enterprise Information Security Office 717-772-8284 - PA governor main fax 717-783-7152 - PA AG OFFICE OF CONSUMER ADVOCATE 717-705-7245 - PA AG IT 570-348-2570 - pa scranton city school district 570-586-1756 - pa abington heights school district 215-861-8609 - PA eastern district civil rights 570-348-2816 - PA middle district civil rights 717-221-3988 - PA harrisburg John E. Jones III 717-796-2348 - PA bar insititute 215-683-7234 - phila Honorable Gregory O. Yorgey-Girdy 215-683-7243 - phila Honorable David C. Shuter 215-683-7246 - phila Honorable George R. Twardy 215-683-7258 - phila Honorable Marvin L. Williams Sr 215-683-7210 - phila Honorable Sharon Williams Losier 215-683-7213 - phila Honorable William Austin Meehan Jr. 215-683-7225 - phila Honorable David H. Conroy 215-683-7237 - phila Honorable Henry Lewandowski III 215-683-7249 - phila Honorable Francis W. McCloskey Jr 215-683-7252 - phila Honorable Charles Hayden 724-250-4658 - pa clerks washington 412-350-6061 - pa clerks allegeheny 570-253-0687 - pa prothonotaries wayne 570-325-5705 - pa clerks carbon 610-478-6570 - pa clerks berks 717-295-3686 - pa clerks lancaster 724-229-5913 - pa prothonotaries washington 814-432-9579 - pa clerks venango 814-755-8837 - pa prothonotaries forest 610-278-5994 - pa prothonotaries montgomery 717-293-7210 - pa prothonotaries lancaster 717-436-7734 - pa clerks juniata 215-348-6184 - pa prothonotaries bucks 412-350-5260 - pa prothonotaries allegeheny 570-265-1735 - pa prothonotaries bradford 570-325-8047 - pa prothonotaries carbon 610-478-6969 - pa prothonotaries berks 717-264-6772 - pa prothonotaries franklin 724-284-0011 - pa prothonotaries 814-227-2501 - pa clerk 814-355-8686 - pa clerk 814-623-4831 - pa prothonotaries